This section is devoted to preparing yourself for the NERC Certification test or to Recertify.  Basically it is a list of URLs to ASSIST you.  As it was done a long time ago I am certain that it's no longer up to date. If you should find that a link is no longer current or one needs to be added, please send the corrections or additions to me at (

Remember this is "YOUR" Web Page.  If you have something not listed please let me know.   

  1. There are four NERC Operator Certification Tests to choose from:
    1. Reliability Operator
    2. Balancing & Interchange Operator
    3. Transmission Operator
    4. Balancing, Interchange & Transmission Operator

Information may be found on the NERC web page at this link,|84

  1. Mike Terbrueggen's web site contains links and practice tests that are quite helpful.
  1. Those of you that have difficulty taking tests you might want to look at this link:
    1. If you are nervous and find multiple choice exams difficult, you may find this web site helpful:
  1. Below are links to the Bismarck State College (BSC) Online Training program designed to train persons interested in system operations or provided NERC CEHs for those maintaining certification requirements.
         1.   Bismarck State College National Energy Center of Excellence
    Electrical Transmission Systems Technology Program
    NERC CEH Provider


Updated on 05/21/2011